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6 Ways to Get Holiday-Ready For Walmart Marketplace

By:marketing | 15 June, 2023 |Walmart,


6 Ways to Get Holiday-Ready For Walmart Marketplace

September is arriving, signaling the imminent holiday season. This period can pose challenges for eCommerce enterprises, particularly given the current trend of consumers initiating their shopping activities earlier than usual.

In spite of the seasonal pressures, the holidays on Walmart Marketplace can bring joy to both customers and vendors. If you haven’t become part of Walmart Marketplace yet, you can initiate the process in just three straightforward steps. This implies there’s still an opportunity to elevate your presence and reap the advantages of selling your products where millions choose to shop throughout the year. Still not sure? Here are six strategies to prepare your business for the holiday season on Walmart Marketplace.

Upon becoming a seller on Walmart Marketplace, you have the ability to:

Broaden your distribution channels to extend your outreach

A strategy to surpass the end-of-year figures from the previous year is to incorporate new sales channels. This approach can expand your reach to a broader audience of consumers purchasing through various channels and devices.

Upon joining Walmart Marketplace, you gain access to a substantial built-in audience. In fact, in December alone, visits to Walmart marketplace reached a peak of 563 million. Don’t miss the chance to connect with millions of shoppers ready to make purchases.

Strategically place your products to increase traffic.

The prospect of engaging with a surge of shoppers is thrilling, but it’s not the sole key to success. While organic traffic holds significance, injecting additional momentum during the holidays can enhance the visibility of your products, particularly given the multitude of options available to shoppers at competitive prices.

To achieve this, sellers on the Marketplace can allocate resources to promote their best-selling items using Sponsored Products advertising through Walmart Connect. This approach enhances the visibility of items, making them stand out amidst competition and attracting interested shoppers to the listings during the holiday surge.

Set optimal prices for your items

Equally crucial to the strategic placement of your products is pricing. After all, discovering favorable deals significantly influences shoppers’ decision-making, particularly during the holidays. In fact, over 70% of online U.S. customers indicate that the final price of an item has a substantial impact on their holiday purchase decisions.

Walmart Marketplace sellers can meet this expectation through our dynamic Repricer tool. This tool aids sellers in efficiently managing pricing by facilitating automatic adjustments. The algorithm takes into account not only prices on Walmart marketplace but also offers on other eCommerce sites, enabling sellers to stay ahead of the competition.

Offer fast shipping using our fulfillment options

Selling your products marks just the initial phase—your fulfillment operations are equally vital. This facet of an eCommerce business can be daunting during the holidays, but it doesn’t need to be. For instance, Marketplace sellers can harness our world-class supply chain via Walmart Fulfillment Services (WFS). WFS sellers can concentrate on sales while we handle the storage, picking, packing, and shipping of orders on their behalf. Moreover, Marketplace sellers typically experience an average of 50% growth in Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) for items fulfilled by WFS.

Upon becoming a seller on Walmart Marketplace, you have various choices to explore. Additionally, there are self-fulfillment options and tools at your disposal to optimize shipping and enhance performance.

Implement a hassle-free returns experience

It’s undeniable that customers prefer hassle-free returns. They have grown accustomed to an easy and flexible returns experience, particularly when shopping for the holidays. On the flip side, the prospect of a complicated returns process can dissuade them from making online purchases.

At Walmart, we cultivate trust and loyalty with our customers by crafting a return experience and policy that is fair, transparent, and generous. A well-defined returns policy assists Marketplace sellers in simplifying their responsibilities, allowing them to concentrate more easily on the selling process.

Enjoy a streamlined onboarding process

Embarking on Walmart Marketplace is now more straightforward than ever! We’ve recently introduced a streamlined process to facilitate a quicker start to selling on Walmart Marketplace—perfect timing for the holiday selling season.
Just create your account and undergo a three-step onboarding process. All you need to do is verify your business, set up your payment preferences, and configure your shipping methods. What’s even better is that you can start listing your products using one of the item setup methods at the same time.

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